Unpredictable tornados, tropical storms, sudden hurricanes, heavy snow, or hard rain can all lead to the inevitable power outage sometimes. In some cases, depending on how hard your area has been hit, you could be facing days, weeks, or worse, months without power. Do you know what you need to be able to survive without electricity that long? Are you prepared for an outage regardless if it is hours or days?
Let's go over the top power outage necessities you should always have on hand to make it through, no matter what.
Power Outage Necessities:
- Nonperishable foods. Foods that do not require refrigeration and can be eaten from a can or container. Trail mix, nuts, soup, dried fruits, meal replacement bars, shakes, or MREs.
- If you don't have a stash of MREs and have canned goods, make sure you have a manual can opener.
- Bottled water and a bottle purification system. The bottled water is great for the short term, and the purification system is a must for the long-term for power outages where freshwater sources could be out for days.
- If you know ahead of time of an impending power outage possibility, fill the bathtub with water.
- Conserve water by stocking up on hand sanitizer and baby wipes.
- Always have a flashlight. If you worry about running out of batteries, it is a good idea to also own a hand-cranked flashlight.
- Candles and matches.
- First aid kit with band aids, sterile gloves, alcohol swabs, medical adhesive tape, tweezers, antibiotic ointment, pain medication, and sterile gauze pads at the least.
- Sleeping bag.
- Bucket for your toilet. If you filled your bathtub, fill the bucket in the tub and pour it down the toilet. You'll still need to use the bathroom, and this trick will help.
Other tool necessities to consider:
- Utility knife
- Garbage bags to seal important items from weather damage.
- Camping supplies such as a cooking kit, an insulated travel mug.
- Emergency radio with hand cranks and/or solar.
When you have these items and are prepared, going without power should be a lot easier than when you aren't ready. Make sure you have your emergency power outage necessities in hand, and you'll be ready to face whatever nature throws at you.